Ayurveda has been practised for more than 5000 years and is the Worlds oldest system of Medicine known. It was first recorded in the Vedas (the worlds oldest surviving literature) written by the Sages in India during a time of great enlightment, when they discovered truth through disciplined spiritual practices (including Yoga and Meditation). Ayurveda has influenced many Medical systems including Traditional Chineese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine and early Greek Medicine, all of which have their roots in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is more than just a system of treating ailments, it is a ‘Science of Life’ (Ayur meaning Life and Veda meaning Science or knowledge). Ayurveda is a wise system of medicine. Its aim is not only to improve ones health, but also ones wellbeing, state of mind and, support one to be at their best in order to realise ones full potential.
Ayurveda recognises that everything (including human beings) are made of 5 elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. In the human body, these 5 elements combine to form 3 bio-physical forces (doshas): Vata (Space and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water) and Kapha (Water and Earth). These govern all the biological, physiological and psychological functions of our physical body and mind. Everybody has all the 5 elements and therefore, all the 3 doshas, however, everybody will have a unique proportion of the doshas with 1, 2 or 3 doshas that predominate. This unique and specific proportion of doshas at time of conception (which is unique to each individual) is ones basic body constitution (Prakriti in sanskrit). Illnesses arise when these doshas are aggravated or imbalanced which could be due to: weather, bad eating habits, age, work, stress. Therefore the aim of Ayurvedic treatments is to rebalance the doshas according to ones basic body constitution to ensure wellness, health and happiness.
Ayurvedic treatments comprise of: diet and lifestyle changes, detox, yoga, massage, herbs and meditation with the belief that if you follow this holistic regime, your health, vitality, beauty, well-being, mental state and behavior, will greatly improve.